Pool garden after four months

the swimming pool garden in august

In April we filled in our swimming pool and turned it into a garden. This is what the garden looks like at the beginning of August.

the swimming pool garden in august

We don’t live in one of the warm inland parts of the East Bay, but we have nonetheless managed to harvest tomatos, peppers, eggplant, and more.

swimming pool garden veggies, august 1


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  1. Gorgeous flowers – sort of a Giverny in the East Bay, sans the water lillies. Nothing beats home grown tomatoes.

  2. annexensen

    The garden looks awesome! Those are some beefy looking tomatoes too!

  3. Tomatoes fight cancer and beautify the skin. Green beans have lots of fiber. Fresh, crispy, and healthy. Where’s that yummy salad! I want a garden like yours but all I can get are the pictures of your flowers. I hope you won’t mind if I’ll pin print-outs of your flowers on my walls. 🙂

    (edited by xensen per policies, no keywords in names)

  4. Great pictures, what a lovely garden and good use of your pool too. A garden is a wonderful thing and I love mine to bits. There are times when it drives me to tears though,when the work overwhelms me, but when I see the results of my work on a sunny day it’s all worth it.